Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini "the Twins", just like its symbol Gemini has two distinctive sides to his/her personality and you'll never know which one you'll going to meet face-to-face.

Gemini is a very outgoing, flirtatious, communicative and always willing to have some fun, fun, and more fun. On the other hand, when you meet the other face of Gemini, you can find his/her as a serious, restless, indecisive type of person. When a Gemini is around, things are never boring.

When it comes to love when he/she found the perfect match the Geminian can settle into a long time relationships.

Any platforms that allow a Geminian to talk is the best such as teacher, debater, reporter, writer, preacher or lawyer are all well suited to the Twins. They love generating new ideas and solving problems.