Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Libra or the "Scales". When it comes to keeping everything in balance, Libra will always lead the way.

Libra is a peace loving and judicial but chose to be alone. But finding the right partner is a Libra's priority. Even if they love to be alone being along is sad and they still need to connect with the opposite sex.

A Libra always make sure that their partner will feel complete and satisfied. The Libran's charm and dedication to striking the perfect balance with others makes them wonderful partners.

Careers that involve justice such as police officer, lawyer, or judge are excellent choices for the Libran. They will also succeed at such occupations as diplomat, civil servant, interior decorator, composer and fashion designer. Group settings pose no challenge for the Libran - in fact, the more the merrier. Their strong sense of diplomacy serves well in almost anything they do.